Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Last night's date: a rant

Last night I went on a date with a woman from the internet dating site I'm currently on. We'd been sending lots of messages prior to meeting up, and the evening was good fun. She seemed really nice. A bit swearier than I'd been expecting, but intelligent, funny, good looking, etc.

When I got home I texted her to ask if she'd be interested in meeting again. Uncool to do this so soon I know, but I thought things had gone well and didn't see the point in waiting. I got a reply this morning saying that she'd fallen straight asleep when she got home, but that she'd like to meet up again.

I replied this afternoon suggesting some dates to meet, and have just received a message this evening saying that she's had a think today and just wants to be friends.

How bloody annoying is that?

One of the many things I dislike about internet dating is feeling the need to decide on the first date whether things have gone well enough to meet again. I'm guilty of doing this myself, and I think it's down to not wanting to waste the other person's time. But it's a real shame that it rarely allows the option for something to grow naturally.

Have you had a similar experience, or been the annoying person doing this? I'd like to hear your feedback!


  1. I have since calmed down a bit and am slightly less annoyed now!

  2. I prefer when a guy is upfront with me if they wish to see me again. It is also annoying to be led on as an option until they drop you for someone else because they're still 'shopping'.

  3. never waste your time with somebody if you don't have there full attention
